Education for girls in Chiro
Support for vulnerable girls to access quality education
Support for vulnerable girls to access quality education
Global education time: an international network of schools learning and acting for sustainable development goals
Strengthening the capability of the Guatemalan “Network of Fair Trade Small Producers” to access markets and promote inclusive economic growth.
Integrated path in support of vulnerable populations, refugees, displaced persons, and residents in the neighboring areas of Aw-Bere and Bokolmayo (Somali Regional State)
Promoting sustainable management of water services and resources in countries affected by the Syrian crisis
Promoting socio-economic empowerment and protection of vulnerable Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem
An accessible playground for the social inclusion of children with disabilities
Migration and Access to Protection and basic Services: integrated interventions on the Eastern Migratory Route – Ethiopia
Culture for the promotion of Peace, Reconciliation and Social Cohesion
in farming communities in Manica Province, Mozambique